Services: Brand, Content, Social & Website

A pioneering garden town aiming to improve quality of life

It’s rare to be able to build something completely new, which is why we were so excited to work with Folkestone & Hythe District Council on Otterpool Park, a proposed garden town community. We kicked off in October 2018, taking the reins from a previous agency and leaping right into defining a vision for this sustainable new community in the Kentish countryside.

We took a research-first approach to Otterpool Park’s brand, challenging the project team on the reasoning and drive behind the decision to build this community, in this location. Then, we reached out to local organisations such as Creative Folkestone giving them an opportunity to have their say. From this, we built our Visioning Report, outlining the six ‘typical’ Otterpool Park resident personas, our vision for the town, and how the brand might evolve across the 30-year project.

“Thanks to everyone involved in the public events. The material looked great and it all ran very smoothly. The stamina and patience of the team, not to mention good humoured handling of tricky characters, has been brilliant.”

Julia Wallace, Otterpool Park Project Manager | Folkestone & Hythe District Council

Otterpool Park Consultation Event
280 people attended two public exhibitions
7,549 unique website visitors since site launch
28,327 website page views