Services: Design & Website
Delivering a more engaging on page experience and restructure of content
SELEP is one of 38 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP), the biggest LEP outside London, established to provide the clear vision and strategic leadership to drive sustainable private sector-led growth and job creation in their area.
One of PB’s most complex projects to date. Jam-packed full of custom functionality all developed by the PB development team. From integrated search, calendar systems and file management to a custom Google Map detailing filterable location and area the South East LEP website has been a labour of love.
A full-service digital project from User Experience session to persona identification, wire-framing, bespoke design, systems and functional assets with in-depth development to make it all work seamlessly and efficiently. The end result – a fully transparent, searchable and easy to navigate content-rich website that has been a massive success.
In 2020 Pillory Barn undertook an accessibility overhaul to bring the site up to WCAG 2.1 standards including structure, semantics, keyboard navigation, labelling and a whole host of other accessible features. Our digital team processed all updates and testing in-house to ensure it meet government standards for public sector websites.