Covid-19 and our promise to you

Published by Miranda Chapman  on 19th March 2020

As a communications agency, we are used to responding to fast-paced change and challenging situations, but the impact of coronavirus is a challenge that none of us has experienced before.

With that in mind, we wanted to share a message of reassurance to our clients, colleagues and friends about the plans we have in place here to ensure we continue to deliver a ‘business as usual’ level of service.

We are taking every step to maintain the high quality of work and high level of customer service, while ensuring the wellbeing of our teams are maintained and provided for. We are, of course, keeping everything under constant review but our aim is for you to see as little difference as possible.

Our team is used to working flexibly and everyone is equipped with the technology and systems they need to be able to work from home. All external meetings have been cancelled until further notice, but we are using video and conference calls to ensure meetings can go ahead.

Email is the best way of contacting us, in the first instance, so please continue to get in touch with your usual account team members this way. Our email address is regularly monitored if you are unsure who you should be contacting.

If you wish to speak to the team urgently, call our central phone number on 01622 684407, Operations Director Julie O’Connor on 07970 113041 or myself on 07969 614420.

If our resource is impacted by staff absence or inability to work, we will prioritise workload according to deadlines and will keep clients and colleagues fully updated on progress.

Like every business we are following daily updates from the government and Public Health England and will continue to respond according to their guidance.

As many of us will be adopting new ways of working for the foreseeable future, we welcome you keeping communications open and encourage you to share any questions you may have or solutions that work for you.

We’ll be keeping our Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn channels updated as much as we can so do drop us a line and let us know how you are getting on.

And one final thing, our job is all about supporting businesses and helping them to thrive. We understand our contribution to your business is more important now than ever – if you want to reach out and talk through the impact coronavirus is having on your business, we will help in any way we can.


Miranda Chapman

Managing Director
T: 01622 684407 M: 07969 614420